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April Summary

These two skinny male puppies are Mavel & Hazel. Diana began to see them every time she drove past the stone factory in Beit Jala. They were living in a barren and very dangerous area, with no food or water to be found. Diana sent our worker, Jeries, to find them. But they weren’t in their usual hiding place under the stones. Nor were they under a nearby. He tried again the next day and successfully caught the puppies, even though their mother and two other big dogs tried to protect them.

Mavel & Hazel were riddled with ticks and fleas. They went straight to the clinic where they received treatment, vaccinations and testing for parvo (which came back negative). We are looking for a foster.


A young male dog aged no more than 1.5 years old was impaled on the fence of a private residence in an attempt to jump over it. The family of this house saw him and called the vet, Mohammad Rajii who came immediately, rescued the dog and brought him to the clinic. The spire had pierced through his lower belly. Dr. Rajj treated his wounds. The father who had called the vet found a young foreign couple who adopted him. We thank Dr. Rajj, the father and the couple who adopted this dog for helping him find his happy ending.


Shiralee is a female 5-week-old puppy. A young lady saw her with her siblings and their mother. She told Diana that one of the pups is missing her front paw. We took her to the vet who informed us that it was healed but couldn't know how it happened.  Shiralee was riddled with fleas and had ticks filling her ears. She received flea treatment, but nothing can be done for her front leg. She will forever walk with a limp. We are looking for a foster.


While Diana was driving around Beit Sahour trying to catch another, Diana found Malla sleeping on the ground by a busy road. Malla was very friendly, like she knew that Diana was there to save her. She was taken to the vet immediately where she was fixed, vaccinated and microchipped. Now she is ready for adoption. Malla is around 2 years old, mixed breed and loves to play. We are looking for a foster.


Violette was rescued from Al Khader village in a very poor condition. On top of a bad case of scabies, her womb was distended.  Diana rushed her to the vet where she received treatment for the scabies and surgery. She also received flea treatment, vaccinations and was fixed.  Violette is now in good health and ready for adoption.


This mother and her 4 puppies were rescued from Nablus and taken to Royal Care Clinic 2 weeks ago. They had suffered abuse while on the streets and one person even hit them with a hose.  Sadly, we lost one pup but the remaining 3 with their mother are now in good health.

Thankfully, we were able to find a place for them with an Association in the North. But arranging the journey there from Nablus was so difficult and complicated.  The plan was for our friend, Usama Hamadneh (who used  to work with Ma’ad of the now defunct DailyHugz) to drive the mother and pups to the checkpoint where the woman in charge of the Association would receive them. But due to unforeseen circumstances, this plan fell through and Usama had to take the dogs back to his home for the night.

The next day Usama arranged to meet a driver closer to Ramallah who took mum and pups to Jerusalem where they met Mariana who had a specialised pet transporter van. From there she drove them all the way to a pension in the North. The volunteers there worked very hard with us to organize what turned into a massive trip, on top of providing food, vaccinations and care for the dogs at the pension.

This entire endeavour has incurred over 4500nis in costs for transport as well as treatment at the clinic in Nablus. In these turbulent times the shelter is experiencing a large decline in donations. Please help us by donating via, so that we can continue rescuing the vulnerable West Bank dogs and cats. We are grateful to Usama, Maissa, Marianna and everyone else who helped bring this mother and her puppies to their new home at the pension.


A friend named Lara Habash visited her friend in Al Khader village.  She saw this poor male dog laying on the street in deep pain and bleeding heavily from his chest. She called Diana, who sent our worker, Jeries with a taxi to collect him. Our regular clinics were closed at the time, so Jeries took him to another vet to stop the bleeding. But he refused to admit the dog due to the amount of blood. Jeries tried to convince the vet but he told Jeries that he can inject the dog himself. By that time, Al Buraq clinic had opened so they rushed over.  Doggo was still bleeding and had low body temperature. Dr. Buraq administered painkiller, an injeection for the bleeding and placed a heater nearby and covered him with a blanket. Sadly, he died 20 minutes later. The vet believes that his chest was crushed from being hit by a van. We’re sorry we could not save you, buddy.


Feline came to the shelter as a puppy where he stayed until he was 2 years old.  2 months ago, he was adopted by Kelly from Seattle, USA. Diana got to work arranging the necessary rabies blood test, permit application, finding a flight volunteer, the crate and transport.

2 days before departure, Diana took Feline to her home where he got spoiled with a bath, a new sweater and many, many treats.

Gabi volunteered to escort Feline on his flight to California. There, Kelly arranged for her friend to meet Gabi at and drive him to a pension. The next day Feline flew by himself to Seattle where Kelly was waiting for him. It was a long journey for Feline but at least he had his new sweater from Diana to keep him warm.

Feline is very happy exploring his new home, playing in his new yard and eating treats on his new fluffy bed.

Thank you, Kelly, Gabi and everyone who helped make Feline’s happy ending possible.

__________________________________________________________________________________This past weekend, a small team from in association with Eläimille apua-ilman rajoja ry embarked on their second mission to the West Bank to:

• visit Diana’s shelter;

• buy food for stray animals;

• set up a joint medical aid project with local vets;

• start an educational campaign at schools to stop violence against animals.

We thank generous donors of Animal Heroes and Animal Aid Without Borders Finland (include link) for this massive contribution to the Bethlehem Shelter.

Thank you to Esther, Eleanora and Karina for allowing Diana to host you in as you spent your weekend making a difference to the animals of Bethlehem.

They were invited to deliver a presentation to SOS Bethlehem. Diana helped with some Arabic translation and the children enthusiastically participated and asked many questions.

Thank you to Esther, Eleanora and Karina for allowing Diana to host you in as you spent your weekend making a difference to the animals of Bethlehem.


During the Animal Heroes visit, Esther and Eleanora collected the new furry addition to their family, Yaffa (previously known as “Fauna”). They first adopted her during the previous Animal Heroes visit last November. Yaffa went to the beach for the very first time before her flight to Milan. Now she gets to frolic in the Alps with her new little Dachshund brother. Thank you Esther and Eleanora for giving Jaffa her happy ending.


Freya was found bleeding heavily from her face and legs. She was abandoned by her abusive owner and was wondering around the home of friend of the shelter, Micheline Murcos. When Freya entered her yard, Micheline called Diana. Diana arrived then called the vet Dr. Layan Al Taweel who administered first aid then took Freya to her home for 2 days.

Freya had suffered a brutal beating to her face, nose and legs and was riddled with ticks and fleas. She received treatment for parasites and for her wounds the treatment is ongoing. She will stay at the shelter until she has recovered and is ready for a foster or forever home.

Thank you to Dr. Al Taweel and Micheline and her family for their help in rescuing Freya.


This poor kitty was found by one of our board members in front of his house. She can’t walk properly due to a previous fracture in her hind legs which did not heal correctly. She was covered with ticks and severely dehydrated.  He called Diana and she was taken to Al Buraq Clinic where she is undergoing treatment. When she has recovered, she will be ready for adoption.


Kenzie was seen crawling on her hip by the brother of friend of the shelter, Dina Issa, in Al Khader. She is a young female, no older than one year old. We asked him to take her to the clinic for x-rays. The vet informed us that she has a broken back and it’s inoperable.

In the meantime, this dog eats and does her needs normally and has deep scratches on her immobile hind legs from being dragged around. We aim to restore her mobility by providing her with a dog wheelchair.

Kenzie was then sent to another clinic where a CT scan was performed. It found that Kenzie’s spinal injuries were the result of abuse, not a car accident as originally thought. Her spine is broken in the 12th bone but she can feel her legs, so her nerves are working. There is only one clinic that performs the operation that Kenzie needs but it is highly expensive, so we are trying to find an Association to sponsor her operation and CT scan.

Please help us raise funds for Kenzie's dog-wheelchair and veterinary costs by donating via


This cat belongs to a woman from Nablus. She rescued her 3 years ago from the streets.  Unfortunately, the cat fell from a height causing multiple fractures in one paw, which required surgery.  The owner can't afford the whole amount so her friend is collecting some donations for the surgery and the owner called Diana asking for help. So we covered part of the of the surgery cost, which was performed yesterday to great success.

We thank our donors for allowing us to help such members of our community in their own efforts to take care of the stray cats of the West Bank.

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