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August Summary

With the passing of another month, the desperate situation in which we find ourselves remains unchanged. There appears no end to this war and so the innocents continue to suffer.

The shelter is drowning in overcrowding. 2 helpless puppies dumped at the clinic. 2 more puppies live in the shelter corridor. Even 2 desperate dogs huddled in the bathroom!!!

We're stretched to the limit and struggling to cope. Your immediate help is the lifeline these animals need.

Please consider adoption or fostering to help alleviate this dire situation.


Our rescue efforts this month have stretched our resources to the limit. We've treated numerous cases requiring extensive medical care, including surgeries, medications, and ongoing treatment. In addition, we've provided essential vaccinations, food, deworming medication, and tick prevention for countless animals. We urgently need your support to cover the mounting costs associated with rescuing dogs & cats. Please help us by donating via


Diana received a message from a woman about a male dog hit by a car. She sent a taxi, but later learned the dog had died. However, the woman’s father called to say the dog was still alive.

Diana rushed to the scene and found the dog injured and in pain. With the help of the girl’s father and brother, she brought the dog to Dr. Rajii @alburaq_veterinary_centre , who transferred him to another clinic for X-rays.

The dog suffered a broken pelvis and spinal fractures, as well as a severe tick infestation. He stayed at the clinic for 8 days until Diana was able to secure a sponsor for him, meaning that he would finally receive the operation he needed. Unfortunately, he died before he left the clinic. RIP, little friend.

__________________________________________________________________________________This stray female dog was living near a gym in Beit Jala. The gym owner had been caring for the dog, providing food, water, and tick treatment, but noticed concerning issues with her health.

He told a member of our board who contacted Diana who then sent a taxi to collect the dog. She was diagnosed with a severe uterine and ovarian infection, as well as growths on her legs and neck. @alburaq performed surgery to remove the infected organs and masses, and also addressed her dental issues.

We are grateful to the gym owner who took compassion for this poor dog and took care of her.

__________________________________________________________________________________A young woman witnessed a puppy suffering in the heat, living under a trash container without food or water. Unable to help on her own, she contacted a local rescue group. Steve was sent with a taxi to bring the puppy to safety. The puppy was covered in ticks. The fear he has, to be even softly touched by humans breaks our hearts.

On the same night, Steve found another puppy outside the shelter, skinny and hungry. Both puppies were taken to Dr. Liane's clinic for tick treatment and vaccinations. Both are male and doing well, and we are now searching for foster homes.


 A heart-wrenching discovery was made when a tiny puppy, no more than two months old, was found brutally abused near the lifeless bodies of his siblings. The terrified puppy was unable to lift his head and cried out in pain. A passerby from Hebron witnessed the horrific scene and contacted a friend who knew Diana.

Diana immediately arranged for a taxi to transport the critically injured puppy to veterinarian, Dr. Mohammad Rajii. X-rays at Al Buraq Veterinary Clinic revealed catastrophic injuries including severe head trauma with skull fractures, internal bleeding, and extensive bruising. The puppy was in a state of constant fear and pain, shaking uncontrollably.

Despite the severity of his injuries, the puppy received immediate treatment to stabilize his condition. After three days of care, he began to recover and eat. Thanks to the support of a sponsoring association, he is now hospitalized and continuing his journey to recovery.


A small puppy was found in critical condition by Shadia from Al Khader village. The puppy's sibling was found dead nearby, suggesting it may have been hit by a car.

The puppy's lower lip was severely damaged, its jaw was broken, and it was infested with ticks. The puppy was severely dehydrated due to days without food or water, and maggots were present in its mouth.

Al Buraq Veterinary Clinic successfully repaired the puppy's lip and provided necessary treatment. A sponsor was found the following day, and the puppy was scheduled to be transferred to a clinic. Unfortunately, the puppy did not survive.

Though she endured immense suffering, we are grateful to Shadia, the sponsor and @clinicalburaq for giving her a fighting chance. RIP now, little one.


Four newborn puppies, no older than 40 days, were cruelly abandoned in a cardboard box near a trash site in Beit Jala. A concerned friend alerted a rescuer who dispatched a taxi to the location. Nariman Kiriaco, a volunteer, retrieved the puppies andbrought them to@alburaq_veterinary_centrefor emergency care. The puppies were thoroughly examined, treated for ticks, and have already devoured a large amount of food. Today, they will be transferred to the overcrowded shelter.

__________________________________________________________________________________A friendly stray cat, a familiar face in the neighborhood, often visited Diana's yard for food and water. Three days ago, she noticed him looking unwell: extremely thin with a swollen, bleeding, and foul-smelling mouth that prevented him from eating. Diana carefully captured him and planned to take him to the vet the next day.

Unfortunately, he escaped during the night. She managed to catch him again the following morning and rushed him to Al Buraq Veterinary Clinic. He had a high fever and his mouth was in terrible condition. The vet discovered a fish bone lodged in the upper part of his jaw, causing infection, swelling, and an inability to close his mouth. He received immediate treatment for the fever, infection, and mouth injury. The cat is now recovering under Diana's care.


A friendly stray dog, approximately two years old, was regularly seen near the home of Mr. Bannoura in Beit Sahour. The family had been caring for the dog by providing food. A week ago, after not being seen for a night, the dog was found injured and in pain.

Our worker, Steve, with a taxi were sent to transport the dog to @Al Buraq Veterinary Clinic. Due to our shelter's limited capacity, we explained to the family that they would need to take the dog back after treatment. They agreed.

Upon examination, the vet at @alburaq_veterinary_centre determined that the dog has suffered violent human-inflicted injuries. He had a large wound on its skull from a beating, swollen genitals, and a fracture in his front leg. The vet provided treatment for worms and ticks, and also treated his injuries.

After treatment, the dog was returned to the family, who decided to keep him on their property with another dog they have.

We extend our gratitude to Mr. Khalil for taking over the dog’s over and providing ongoing care, our worker, Steve, and @alburaq_veterinary_centre for helping to rescue this poor little guy.


A young female puppy, approximately five months old, was frequently seen on the street and under parked cars near the home of our board member, Firas Twaimeh.

Firas, his wife, and local residents contacted Diana to seek assistance for the puppy. The puppy was taken to a veterinarian at night, where it received pain medication and antibiotics. The following day, we transported the puppy to Al Buraq Veterinary Clinic for further examination.

X-rays revealed a broken paw, and the puppy was also infested with ticks. The vet applied a cast to the paw and provided necessary treatment. The puppy is now being cared for at our shelter.

Firas has named the puppy Zoomi. Please consider fostering or adopting.


This stray female, was found in a critical condition by Shireen Rudy Jabrieh, a friend of the shelter. The dog was severely injured, bleeding from a deep neck wound that had damaged her internal tissues. She was also infested with ticks and pregnant.

According to the vet, the dog's injuries were likely the result of a brutal beating and the presence of shrapnel embedded in her neck, possibly from a sharp metal object or a bullet. Shireen reported seeing numerous dead and poisoned animals in the area.

The dog received emergency treatment at Dr. Mohammed Rajii's veterinary clinic. Unfortunately, the following day, she gave birth to a stillborn litter.

Due to the shelter's capacity limitations, we were urgently seeking sponsorship to cover the dog's ongoing care. But 2 days later mama joined her puppies in heaven. The bullet had ultimately caused too much damage. RIP.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Shireen, Steve, and Dr. Mohammed Rajii for their compassionate assistance. The inhumane acts of violence against innocent animals are a deeply concerning issue.


Every summer, Diana brings Saed Khalaf from Al Azariyyeh to help with the animals. Saed is a friend who is passionate about animals and owns 16 dogs, all of which have been neutered. He also provides food for stray cats.

Saed spent three consecutive days at Diana's, bathing all the dogs. Afterward, the animals are refreshed and visibly happy. It is rewarding to see them so healthy and refreshed.


Remember these 5 tiny kittens we rescued? ( They've blossomed into playful, healthy furballs! Thanks to your support, they've received essential deworming treatments, vaccinations, and skin care.

Their once-empty space has transformed into a cozy haven complete with beds, toys, and plenty of room to explore. It's heartwarming to see them thriving in their loving environment.

__________________________________________________________________________________Darla and Anna, inseparable sisters from the same litter, have found their happily ever after! Rescued at just eight weeks old, this dynamic duo celebrated their first birthdays last month. Their luck changed dramatically last week when they were both adopted into loving forever homes.

It seems these two have developed quite the penchant for admiring their reflections. Who can blame them? They're adorable!


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