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February summary

International Adoptions:

Abbott and Alvina came to the shelter in August 2022 at 3 months old (with their brother Aidan). A kind citizen saw them wandering the fields and brought them to the shelter. Abbott and Alvina were there for 18 months until Veronica from Spain decided to open her heart to them. Her friend Coletta flew here especially to take Abbott and Alvina to their new home in Spain. They arrived yesterday, safe and sound. We are so happy that they’ve found their forever home.

Our deepest gratitude to Coletta and Veronica for making this happen.

Yasmina was a skinny 2-month-old kitten crossing the busy streets of Bethlehem when Diana spotted her. Diana followed her from place to place before she was able to catch her. Yasmina was taken to the clinic where she was treated for her diarrhea and dehydration. Then Diana took her to her home where Yasmina lived alongside Diana’s cats for 3 years. Then Diana’s friend Monika Nicolas reached out to Sanctuary of Cats in Boston. The manager, Pricilla, agreed to take Yasmina in and find her a forever home locally.

We extend our thanks to Alina Chis who arranged Yasmina’s flight and accompanied her, as well as Monika and Priscilla of Sanctuary of Cats. We are so happy for Yasmina.



This poor boy was hit by a car in Al Khader, Bethlehem. He managed to limp to a more secluded area where he collapsed. He did not move for 3 days until a woman saw him and called Diana. Diana sent her friend to take him to our vet Al Buraq . The vet performed x-rays and found that his legs are broken and dislocated. He stayed at the vet for a few days undergoing treatment. Then an Association began to sponsor him.

We thank Diana’s friend for rescuing him and taking him to the vet and the Association for sponsoring him.

This puppy was found by people who called one of our board members.He was sent to Al Buraq Veterinary Clinic where he received treatment and x-rays, until an Association sponsored him. Our friend Judith drove for 2 hours with him to the clinic where had immediate surgery.

We thank Al Buraq Veterinary Clinic, Judith and the Association for sponsoring.

This young puppy was with his mother and 2 of his siblings.  Someone told Diana he was ran over by a car. Diana went to collect him and take him to the clinic where he stayed for 3 days until it closed for the weekend. So he was moved to a different clinic for the weekend. His injuries include internal bleeding and fractures in his pelvis.  We found an Association to sponsor his treatment.

The mother and two siblings are still with us and need foster or forever homes. They can also be adopted internationally.

A couple in Beir Onah, Beit Jala found this little puppy in a field after hearing his cries. They tried to give him food then took him to the vet in Beit Jala

The puppy was afflicted with roundworms. He was under fluid for four days. The puppy was in a lot of pain and couldn't stand. The vet said that the puppy had been lying in that field with dislocated shoulders for nearly a week.

The couple called Diana for help and she found him a comfortable place where he can recover. He still struggles to stand but he is now safe and on the mend.

This dog was seen limping around Ramallah from a fracture In the elbow.

The people who saw him asked Nassif from Ramallah to catch him. He caught him and took the dog to Dr. Ahmad Khalil in Ramallah.

Dr. Khalil then called Diana because the poor thing needed surgery and we found an Association who will sponsor his case. So, we sent a taxi early morning to Ramallah and picked up the dog sending him to the clinic where an orthopaedic specialist will check him and where he will be taken care of by the Association.

We wish to thank everyone involved in his rescue and the Association for sponsoring him.

This 2-month-old male puppy. He was hit by a car this morning in Beit Jala. The car ran over his lower part of his pelvis, causing his intestines to fall out of him. (We have chosen to only post those photos that don't show his injury, as it is too distressing to see.)

A kind lady saw Tobey and brought him to the our Vet Mohammad Rajii. Tobey went through a surgery and is under care, and getting fluid until his intestines begin working normally again. Luckily he found a home almost immediately with a friend of Dr. Rajii. Our sincerest gratitude to Dr. Rajii for turning this little guy's luck around completely.

A young lady called Diana to report that a puppy was hit by a car left on the street. Her mother and older dogs had dragged her to a safe field away from the streets. Diana went with her neighbour to look for her . They searched for a while without success. Then two men jogged past and Diana asked them if they saw an injured puppy. They said no but they saw a group of puppies. We searched in the area and we saw the injured puppy alone in the cold and in a lot of pain. Diana placed her in a box with warm blankets, carried her to her house and gave her some water while they waited for Diana’s friend to come and take her to the clinic.

Thank you to the young lady who first spotted her and decided not to look away, to the neighbour and joggers who helped search for her, the clinic who are doing everything they can to save her front legs and the association who have taken over her care.


Four years ago, in the middle of the night, thieves broke into the shelter and stole Rakan, Cici and Bueno from us. We did everything we could to find them and the police investigated but all 3 were lost.

One year later Cici was found in Qalandiya. She had found her way to a bad owner who received her from the thieves. Cici was one of numerous dogs kept in crowded and dirty living condition. When we found Cici was suffering from digestion problems because she ate plastic bags at this place . We sent her to the vet to undergo operation but she died after a few days.

Bueno was found after 2 years, having escaped from a home in Beit Shemesh and ending up at the municipal pound. They scanned his microchip and called Diana who came and took him back to the shelter. He has not left since then. Despite his trauma he is still as friendly as when he followed one of our volunteers home one night with two pups in tow, a testament to his resilience. He is fixed, chipped and vaccinated and ready for his forever home. He can also be adopted internationally.

And Rakan, dear sweet Rakan, was never heard from again. Rakan already had a traumatic past behind him: Diana rescued him from a home where his owners kept him chained up outside with little food. He was so skinny when he entered the shelter but his health quickly improved and his brutal start in life proved to have little impact on his personality: he was outgoing, friendly and loved to cuddle with volunteers. And yet his lucked turned again and Rakan is forever lost to us. We hope that he found a place where he does not have to suffer.

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