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May Summary- Part 2

A friend of Diana saw a mother and 6 puppies had been dumped and were living in an old abandoned, rusted-out car and called her. Two of the puppies had already been taken away by someone else, so Diana asked them to let the mother and remaining 4 puppies stay in the safety of their yard. Another friend kindly found a foster home for them, helped Diana to give them all a bath and clean the many ticks away, and then take them to the driver who brought them to the foster. Thank you to everyone who helped with this rescue, including the Association who has sponsored them.


This poor little pup was run over by a car in Beit Jala and left suffering from his injuries near the trash for 3 days. Passers-by saw him but chose to look the other way. Diana asked Dr. Mohammad Rajj to go and collect him then treat his injuries in his clinic.

Diana then took the puppy to her house for the night. The next day, our friend, Judith, drove him to the clinic of an Association who sponsored his case.

We thank Dr. Rajj, Judith and the Association for helping to rescue this puppy.


A young 14-year-old boy noticed a cardboard box just outside of his house. When he looked inside, he saw 4 tiny puppies.  He put them in a nearby empty house near and fed them with milk. Then he called Diana.

Diana took them to the clinic where they got treatment until they became better. The puppies were tiny, dehydrated and riddled with fleas. Diana then took them to her home and gave them a bath and a good night’s sleep in a warm bed. Yesterday they went to a foster with Bodie and Bernie.

__________________________________________________________________________________There have been 3 new little additions to the shelter over just the past week. Diana will be taking care of them until we can find homes for them. All 3 of these kittens are two months old.

Cyrus is male. The vet found him on the street and noticed Cyrus’s infected eye.  So the vet took him to the clinic with him and treated the wound. Cyrus needs an operation to remove the entire eye.

Shirin is female. She was thrown into Diana’s backyard.

Nisrin was heard crying but proved difficult to catch, as she is deeply afraid of humans. But she is quickly becoming accustomed to Diana’s kind care.


Diana was on her way to the vet with 2 of our shelter dogs in the car with her, when she saw little Igor sniffing around a dumpster searching for food. Diana stopped and tried to catch Igor but he was very scared ran under the dumpster. Once Diana managed to get him into her car, Igor fell asleep. He is so skinny, dehydrated, and full of ticks. Igor is currently undergoing treatment at the clinic.


Vesna was found in the streets of the Aida refugee camp by a friend of the shelter living nearby and called Diana. Diana despatched a taxi to collect Vesna and take her to the clinic of Dr. Mohammad Rajj. Vesna is in poor condition: she has a severe injury to her backside, influenza and a lung infection. Also, she is menstruating for the first time in her life. Vesna remains at the clinic undergoing treatment. 


A friend of Diana’s saw Kseniya staggering down the street- she was so week from hunger and dehydration that she struggled to walk.  Diana despatched Jeries with a taxi to rescue Kseniya and send her to vet Mohammad Rajii. Dr. Rajj informed us that Kseniya has been attacked by other street dogs.  Kseniya is still undergoing treatment at the clinic.


This is Dmitri.  He is puppy aged 5 to 6 months. He and his sister were sheltering in the yard of a family who were feeding them. Recently, while Dmitri was out roaming, a neighbour hit him with his car by accident. He stopped and called Diana, who asked him to send Dmitri to our vet, Al-Buraq Advanced Veterinary Centre مركز البُراق للخدمات البيطرية المتقدمة There, x-rays showed that both legs were broken. Dmitri received painkillers and treatment then went to Diana's home for the night. The next day an Association agreed to sponsor him.

We thank Dr. Mohammed Raj and the driver for staying behind to help rescue Dmitri.


A resident of an apartment building in Beit Sahour contacted Diana when she noticed that Svetlana was sheltering there. Even though Svetlana was friendly, none of the other residents were interested in providing her with food and water. Diana instructed the caller to bring her to Dr. Mohammed Rajj at the Al-Buraq Clinic. There, Svetlana was treated for dehydration and parasites, and received her first shot and now she is in the shelter. She is ready to adopt or foster.


2nd Update on Kenzie’s progress  (

Remember Kenzie? She was rescued last month when she was seen crawling on her front paws ( The vet informed us that her back is broken, and the injury is inoperable. She will be paralysed for life.

Diana sought the help of her friend, Jack Murbarak, who is well-known for his talent for tinkering, to engineer a wheelchair for Kenzie. She kept Jack company while he built the wheelchair then tried it for herself. It is a bit daunting for her but she is already beginning to adjust to her new mobile life. We will continue to post updates on our socials.


This is Alfredo. He was rescued from the streets of Nablus in January 2023, on a cold and rainy night completely drenched and shivering. They contacted Diana who sent him to Royal Care Vet Hospital in Nablus (

There, he was treated for parasites, vaccinations and was fixed. Diana then took Alfredo to her home where he has remained since.

Soon after he first arrived, Diana noticed that Alfredo had a cataract in one of his eyes and was going blind.

Diana arranged to see a veterinary eye specialist who then set an appointment for surgery.

The outbreak of the war effectively cancelled these plans, stalling Alfredo’s progress toward full health.

After some months, Alfredo lost the ability see in his both eyes. He became too scared to move around much, resulting in the development of fatty masses on his body. Diana took him straight to the clinic where the vet removed some of them.

As well, the vet examined Alfredo’s eyes and referred him to a radiologist for a CT scan to check for cancer.

The vet found a build-up of fluid in both eyes and bullet shrapnel embedded in the inside of the one eye.

 The vet also found fractures near the location of the eye that can’t be fixed.

There is some hope for Alfredo to regain sight in his other eye with expensive prescription eye drops that our vet had to order. 

Prior to this vet appointment, we sent Alfredo to a doggie spa for some much-needed pampering.

Despite his ailments and traumatic past, Alfredo is a kind and affectionate young dog who deserves every chance for a happy ending. Unfortunately, this comes at a high cost.

We are trying to raise 2500 nis to cover Alfredo’s CT scan and prescription eye drops.

Please help us by donating via


Lucy was found with her 3 siblings on the streets of Bethlehem. A nice young boy saw them and contacted Diana. We believe that they were all once somebody’s pets because Lucy’s ears had been amputated. Judging by their injuries and behaviours, we believe that all 4 came from an abusive home before they were abandoned. One sibling’s eye was badly injured. Another had a head injury and the third sibling had no physical injuries but was no less traumatised either. @animalheroes were there to help with the rescue. The 3 siblings went to families in Israel while Lucy was left behind in the shelter.

Falone Green, an American living in Ramallah, saw Lucy’s posts and fell in love. Falone came to the shelter to formally adopt her. She brought a friend with his dog Fustoq, adopted from us 5 years ago. They then took Lucy with them on a trip to Jericho.  The night she arrived to Falone’s home in Ramallah, Lucy slept for 12 hours.

After a life of abuse, abandonment, trauma and caged living, Lucy finally has her happy ending. We wish her and Falone all the best for the future.


Do you remember Lars? In June 2023 we rescued him from the confines of an engine room at a factory in Beit Sahour. A compassionate soul who spotted him and made that lifesaving call to us.

Lars was in a very poor state– ticks, persistent diarrhea, low weight, and a severely infected ear wound caused by relentless maggots.

He underwent several hospitalizations at the clinic in Bethlehem and recuperated in Diana’s home. During this time, Diana nursed his thin body back to health, including a special diet and administering his medications. Later, Lars continued his treatment at the clinic in Ramat Gan.

In July, Arava kindly offered to foster Lars and continue with his care. Soon he was a picture of health. Arava already had plans to travel overseas for 2 weeks but was eager to resume fostering Lars once she had returned. Unfortunately for her, the family fostering Lars for this 2-week-period had fallen in love and decided to adopt him.

The credit for his remarkable transformation goes to our dedicated vets, Arava and, of course, his loving foster family. They surrounded him with love and care, guiding him on his journey from suffering to happiness.

__________________________________________________________________________________We rescued Ryder and his 3 siblings when they were puppies in early 2022. They had been dumped on a highway. One puppy was run over by a car before we got to them. Only Ryder and his brother, Roger,and their sister Evie survived.

For the next 18 months, Ryder grew into a calm and friendly boy but remained at the shelter. 7 months ago, Ryder’s luck changed when a kind family offered to foster him. Last week they adopted Ryder. We wish him and his forever family all the best for the future.


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