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October Summary

In this challenging time of war, we would like to begin this blog post by acknowledging our Gaza-based counterpart, Sulala Animal Rescue whose founder, Saeed Al-Err, and volunteers. Since the events of 7 October they have continued risking their lives to rescue and care for the dogs, cats, donkeys and horses of the Gaza strip.

On 8 October, Sulala employee Loay Rami Al Wadi was killed. Loay had been working with Sulala for two years and took care of the dogs in the shelter on a daily basis. He was not yet 20 years old. Loay is but one of many innocents with so much to contribute who fell victim to the forces of war. We express our condolences to Saeed and Loay’s family and pray for their safety.

Donate to Sulala via Paypal


We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the kind souls who have reached out to support us. Your warm words, donations, supplies, volunteer efforts, and fostering have made a significant difference. We're deeply appreciative of your willingness to stand with us during these trying times.

We also want to acknowledge and thank the organizations from different countries, such as Animals Australia, Fondation Brigitte Bardot, Network for Animals, Stichting Dierenhulp, Green Impact, OIPA International, Global Animal Disaster Management Conference,

Their assistance in various forms and areas has been invaluable.

We're especially grateful to the journalists who have shown interest in spreading the word about our work and highlighting the challenges faced by animals in the West Bank during the current escalating situation.

And to every individual who has called, messaged, donated, volunteered, or prayed for the safety and peace of both our shelter and the animals we care for, we appreciate and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We would also like to thank our volunteers, Ray and Danny, who, despite the challenges, have continued their visits to the Bethlehem Shelter. They help maintain a sense of normalcy for the well-being of our cherished furry shelter residents.


With the cancellation of flights and the withdrawal of airlines from Israel, we have a backlog of dogs and cats with homes overseas waiting for them. Nevertheless, we are still looking for flight volunteers for the following destinations for when this conflict ends:

1. Toronto/Vancouver, Canada 2. New York/Portland, USA 3. Huntsville/Memphis/New Orleans/Atlanta/Nashville/Jackson, USA

While we celebrate all cats and dogs who get adopted, it is that little extra bit more heart-warming when it’s one of our long-term residents. Ronnie has been at the shelter for nearly 6 years!! He was rescued at 3 months old. He was so frightened that Diana had to lay on her stomach and drag him from his hiding place under a car.

We hope that for Ronnie’s sake, and that of all of the other innocents whose lives have been placed on hold, that this war ends soon.


The Bethlehem Shelter feels the impact of the conflict on a day-to-day level.

The blockades and checkpoints do restrict our access to food and supplies. Our supply of dry food for our dogs and cats is rapidly diminishing. Butcher shops, essential for providing meat for our animals, are closed.

On top of this, Bethlehem has been subjected to missile attacks from Hamas that were meant for Jerusalem. So far there have been no casualties but the noise and stress of it has created an atmosphere of fear for the region, for the people and animals.

Amidst everything, Diana carries out her rescue missions like she does any other ordinary day.


Orion is a puppy we unexpectedly found on our way back from another rescue mission, a poignant reminder that cruelty knows no boundaries. He lay on the pavement near the trash, a helpless victim of unimaginable cruelty. Neighbors informed us that children had hung him with a silk wire, causing severe injury. Despite the grotesque violence he had just suffered at the hands, his tail began to wag as Diana approached him.

Orion was rushed to our shelter, where we provided immediate treatment for the maggots infesting his wounds. Remarkably, he began to eat and drink. He was then sent to the clinic for treatment. Now he is safe and thriving at the shelter.


It's incredible to witness the transformation of Zeus, the brave soul we rescued not too long ago when he was unable to move. His back leg was completely broken and severely swollen, and his testicles were also swollen. He was painfully skinny and dehydrated. Look at him now, after undergoing surgery and receiving the necessary treatment. There's still a journey ahead for his full recovery, but his luck and happiness shine through.

Zeus is surrounded by love and the best veterinary care, making his path to health brighter. We extend our deepest gratitude to the organization that generously agreed to help and sponsor his treatment.


Our hearts are heavy as we share the story of Esther, a helpless female puppy found abandoned on the streets, unable to move after being struck by a car. A kind soul reached out to us, and we rushed her to the vet. The devastating diagnosis was a broken spine.

Despite the best efforts of our veterinarian, Esther's journey was tragically cut short, and she crossed the rainbow bridge. Her story is a painful reminder of the constant suffering that stray animals endure, both in times of war and peace. They're always on the front lines, and we strive to provide them with the care and compassion they deserve.

In memory of Esther, may her innocent soul find the peace she was denied in life.


These are only some of the rescue stories we have to share. In the past month Diana has rescued a total of 10 cats, 15 adult dogs and 20 puppies.

Please help us continue our rescues by donating either via Paypal or Heylink.

(3-4-week-old puppies found dumped in Hebron)

(3-month-old puppies in the shelter's office)

(Kitten with an eye infection picked up during one of Diana's feeding trips. She has received treatment and made a friend at the shelter)

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