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What we've been up to June 12- July 18

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

This blog post will be a bit longer because we have a whole month to cover.

Many things have happened in the meantime.

Four days ago, i24 news made a broadcast about the Bethlehem Shelter. They interviewed Diana at Ben-Gurion airport as she delivered the ‘Fresno Five’ cats for their departure to California:

On 28 June Danielle Meyers published an article about Diana’s work with the Bethlehem Shelter on the Green Prophet ( The Green Prophet is a news site founded by journalist, biologist and tech entrepreneur Karin Kloosterman. We are honoured that GP chose to publish an article about Diana, as part of its drive to ‘celebrate the unsung heroes looking to change the Middle East and the world.’

Also in late June the vet Dr. Mohammad Rajii came to our shelter and vaccinated 40 dogs at our shelter. The adult dogs received 2 annual vaccinations and the puppies continued their series of vaccinations. Also, they have all been dewormed and treated for fleas and ticks. Routine veterinary procedures for a large number of dogs in our care cost us thousands of shekels!

We really need help in paying the veterinary services for permanent shelter residents who are still looking for a home... Any amount is welcome and helps us to continue our mission.

Last Saturday we held a great program for spaying and neutering of dogs and cats!

A group of vets volunteered to spay and neuter stray dogs and cats that people take care of them, feed them, and take them in their houses.

So we called these kind and merciful people to bring the cats and dogs that they rescued to our shelter, where the program took place. Those people came from Al Azaraiyeh, al Khader, Al Doha and Bethlehem. One person brought 6 stray dogs he takes care of them from Al Azariyyeh, we put for them ear tags and gave them rabies vaccination.

The vets fixed 10 dogs from our shelter and 6 from Al Azariyyeh and 14 cats from different locations, the cats also got treatment for teeth.

As you can see, people who brought the stray animals, are waiting for their operations and others sent them with taxis.

We thank the team of vets: Dr. Tala Abu Aqel, Dr. Erica Unz, Dr. Hamzeh Salameh, Dr. Hussein Abu Halima.

And we thank our volunteer Mariam, our worker Mustafa and one of our board Najib Ayyad.

We were very pleased to unite the efforts of so many people for the benefit of stray animals! We are touched by the kindness of everyone who participated in this program. And we really hope that we will be able to repeat this program again.

Since our activities are not subsidized by the authorities, we rely only on donations from individuals and the help of volunteers. If you would like to help us conduct a second round of spaying stray animals, please click here.

Diana sent many dogs on planes to their forever homes including:

Olive, who was later joined in Oregon by her brother and sister Aretha and Donut- all adopted by the same person! Now these siblings will never be apart.

Bella and Dolphin went to their new home in Finland! For four months we worked on preparing all the necessary documents and doing all the necessary procedures so that Bella and Dolphin could fly to Finland.

We express our deep gratitude to Sari, who helped these dogs find a loving families. Just look how happy Bella and Dolphin are and explore their new land.

We thank the adopters for giving Bella and Dolphin a good life and wish them long and happy years together, because they deserve it so much.

Divan was rescued last year from the street, he was sick, weak and dehydrated. He needed treatment, vaccinations and spaying before we could start to look for a home for him.

With the help of our friend Sari who found a good home for Divan, last week, he emigrated to his new family in Finland! Just look at this amazing room where Divan can spend his free time and enjoy his life! Look how happy he is now!!!

Again, our deepest gratitude to Sari for finding homes for our Finnish adoptees.

Luca made it to the USA! Just look how happy and spoilt he is, enjoying his life!

We are so happy for you, dear Luca, and wish you a long and happy life in the USA.

We thank the family who opened their home and heart for Luca, thank Ilana Strubel and the group of dedicated volunteers who worked so hard to make the dream come true, the flight volunteer who accompanied Luca, as well as the kind people who donated to pay for the flight.

As for local adoptions, we are thrilled to announce that one of the shelter’s long-term adult residents, Scarlett, finally found her forever home!

We rescued Scarlett in 2018 with her puppies. Her last puppy was adopted a few months ago, already being an adult dog.

Our deepest thanks to Charlotte for enabling Scarlett to leave the shelter for the very first time last February by fostering her. And proving that dogs in foster homes have a higher chance of being adopted than those at the shelter, Scarlett found a family to love her.

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